HBL - Health Biotech Limited
HBL stands for Health Biotech Limited
Here you will find, what does HBL stand for in Organization under Medical category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Health Biotech Limited? Health Biotech Limited can be abbreviated as HBL What does HBL stand for? HBL stands for Health Biotech Limited. What does Health Biotech Limited mean?The pharmaceuticals medical organization is located in Chandigarh, Chandigarh, India.
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Alternative definitions of HBL
- Hypothesis Based Learning
- Harbor Belt Line
- Happy Blinking Lights
- The most beautiful person in the world. Couldn't even compare to a swim-suit model. Will have great success as they have wonderful personality traits.
- Happy Blinking Lights
- Hospital Base de Linares
- Habib Bank Limited
- Heritage Bank Limited
View 92 other definitions of HBL on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- HBHC Hospitality Board Holding Co.
- HCC Hunter Contracting Co.
- HHNYC Habitat for Humanity New York City
- HANUAS HAN University of Applied Sciences
- HCEC Hyundai Construction Equipment Company
- HBS Honeywell Building Solutions
- HAT Hospital Angeles de Tijuana
- HIT Hansen Industrial Transmissions
- HCICS HCI Care Services
- HHFG Henry Howard Finance Group
- HWAC Helen Woodward Animal Center
- HAM Halcyon Asset Management
- HSO Health Standards Organization
- HRIPI HR Imaging Partners Inc.
- HCA High Court of Australia
- HCD Harrington College of Design